What is an ARC?
An advanced reader copy (ARC) is a pre-published, almost-complete version of a new book that is circulated to readers and reviewers to read before print. These advanced copies allow them to read the book before its publication date so their reviews can coincide with the book's debut.
What does an ARC reader do?
Expectations for advance readers vary from author to author. I’m looking for readers who will give an honest feedback on Goodreads and Amazon.
If you don't like the book and are not able to finish it—don't worry! It's perfectly fine. In that case, don't hesitate to drop me an email to tell me where and why you stopped reading.
How often do you need ARC readers?
Everytime I write a new book and it's close to publication. Sign up for my newsletter to know where I'm at in my writing!
How can I be an ARC reader for your future books?
Hit the button below to claim your spot in the team. When I'll have ARC copies to distribute, I will email you the details.